No more cutting yourself with razors! Our at-home laser hair removal provides pain-free and effective hair removal. Laser hair removal treatments could be expensive, cost hundreds of dollars per session, and add up to thousands. Shaving can irritate the skin and requires daily or weekly shaving. Our home laser removal makes it simple, safe, and effective to remove unwanted hair and saves you thousands.
You are weeks away from permanent hair removal and smooth skin. It works for hair all over your body, such as the face, away from the eyes areas, legs, arms, underarms, bikini lines, and private parts. Most people start seeing a hair reduction after two to three treatments. A complete result and permanent hair removal could take up to 8 weeks.
Our laser hair removal at home works with sensitive skin and Brazilian skin. It uses IPL technology to target the melatonin in the hair to eliminate the hair follicle; thus, it will not work for dark brown skin and light hair colors. Please refer to the chart to determine if it works for your skin and hair color.